Louvre Antiques

Purchase of Gold

We buy your Gold Jewelry

If your gold jewelry suits our needs, we buy them on the spot and in cash.
Effective instantly. We buy your jewelry at the best price of the market. We have many specific orders and we need as soon as possible jewelry only gold and / or jewelry with diamonds, precious and semi-precious stones


We sell your Gold Jewelry

Bring your gold jewelry to us!. We take your pieces, quote them on the spot and sell them for you directly to our customers at twice the price offered in market: 50 USD per gram.
We give you an official note where the detail of what you leave us with their minimum sale price agreed with you for each of your pieces.
We charge the lowest market commission in the market.
We assure you of confidence, seriousness and absolute reserve with the support of 43 years in the field.
You will get the cash you need as soon as possible, given that we have extensive experience in marketing jewelry under strict security conditions. And with absolute reserve
